Michael Fox.

Rediscovering Mission with Fable

Date Published:
June 24, 2020

Michael shares how his journey into vegetarianism launched him onto the path of creating a plant-based meat company.

"I literally felt physically ill, thinking about starting another business."

- Michael Fox

Starting a business requires a lot of character traits; vision, resilience, determination and many more. But starting a business for the second time requires an inextinguishable desire to change the world. After co-founding Shoes of Prey, Michael Fox is back again, alongside his co-founders Jim Fuller & Chris Mcloghlin. They are on a mission to take over supermarkets and restaurants around the world with their mushroom-based meat alternative company, Fable.

Shoes of Prey was a business that enabled women to customise their own shoes and order them on demand. It raised $30 million in funding and seemed to be on the precipice of international success. In 2018, the business shut its doors. This episode is all about the insights that Michael gained from failure, and how they’ve enabled him to achieve his seismic mission of changing the way humans eat.

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