The latest data from Blackbird on the gender diversity in both our investment team and our investment pipeline.
We are excited to announce that Blackbird has invested in Atticus’ $10.8M capital raise.
Blackbird Aotearoa is having its own startup moment: we’ve had three new Blackbirds join us in the last month, taking us to a team of seven.
AI has essentially turned ‘bad customers’ into good ones, and created a completely new category of vertical SaiS (software-AI-as-a-Service).
Advice and tips for founders at the very beginning - from assessing your idea to finding a co-founder.
Mentoring in our Giants program, we get to hear lots of common questions from idea stage founders. Here's how we answer them.
Starting your startup: is your idea worth pursuing?
Diving into one of the biggest questions we hear from idea stage founders: do I need a cofounder? and how do I find one?
Gemma Clancy runs us through her first cohort as a Giants Mentor, and what early stage founder could also be asking.
The who, what, when, where and how of impact and ESG at Blackbird